
Should Christians Still Keep The Sabbaths and the Feasts?

Published by Rob Skiba January 28, 2015 at 2:19 PM OK. This particular blog is LOADED with information for you to consider. Please take the time to review everything listed here before being tempted to criticize and/or ask questions that may have already been addressed. I’m not going to have time to engage in any lengthy debate or really a whole lot of dialogue. I’ve got a LOT on my plate... read more

Obedience to YHWH is too hard and keeping the Appointed Times is too difficult?

Published by Rob Skiba January 27, 2015 at 12:52 PM Deuteronomy 30: 1 And it shall come to pass, when all these things are come upon thee, the blessing and the curse, which I have set before thee, and thou shalt call them to mind among all the nations, whither the Lord thy God hath driven thee, 2 And shalt return unto the Lord thy God, and shalt obey his voice according to... read more

The Second Exodus, the Appointed Times and what it means to be “wise”

  Published by Rob Skiba January 26, 2015 at 5:49 PM This is the 5th year for us studying the Torah and we are about 13 chapters into Exodus right now. It NEVER ceases to absolutely AMAZE me what YHWH continues to reveal through Moses! I will write more in the days ahead. For now, I just want to focus on what it means to be “wise,” because it certainly plays a major role in the Last... read more

A “different Jesus” an offended Apostle and a “thorn in the flesh”

    Published by Rob Skiba January 15, 2015 at 4:55 PM So, I saw this pic in my news feed this morning:     It really got me thinking. Wow! Indeed, we have had a “different Jesus” (Yeshua) being preached to us for a very long time! I decided to look up that passage in 2 Corinthians 11 and was reminded of a study I had done back in 2003, which revealed what Paul’s... read more

A New and IMPROVED “Great Awakening” is taking place

Published by Rob Skiba on January 11, 2015 at 6:42 PM When I first started to understand who I am, and I began to talk and write about it, many labeled me a member of the so-called “Hebrew Roots Movement.” I have consistently distanced myself from that label however due to many things that I flat out disagree with that are being taught by some of the more prominent leaders within that now so... read more

What coming out of Babylon looks like…

Published by Rob Skiba January 11, 2015 at 5:26 PM As I am going through the 100+ notes I’ve written over the past few years, it is very interesting to see the journey I’ve been on and how others have reacted to it along the way. When I realized that the gifts of the Spirit are still in effect today and that John 14:12 was true and still applicable to us in the 21st Century, all my Baptist... read more

Is it “God’s will” for you to have sickness and disease?

  Published by Rob Skiba January 19, 2015 at 4:07 PM So, I just saw an Internet article about the actress Yolanda Foster, who apparently is suffering from Lyme Disease. In it she is quoted as saying, “I guess God gives his hardest battles to the strongest soldiers” Source: While I can... read more

“So do you keep all 613 commandments Rob??”

Published by Rob Skiba January 3, 2015 at 2:51 PM People ask me all the time, “Well if you claim to be Torah observant do you keep ALL 613 commandments in it?” This is of course usually done in a smug effort to try and trip me up and eventually label me either a liar, hypocrite, heretic or worse. I can almost guarantee that nearly everyone who hurls that accusatory question has never... read more
