The content of this website has been placed on a DVD-Rom, with the blogs and books saved as PDFs:
Wisdom From the Torah Book 1:
With Portions From the Prophets and New Testament
Now available on Amazon for just $14.95!
To view a PDF sample of this workbook CLICK HERE.
Wisdom From the Torah Book 2:
With Portions From the Prophets and New Testament
Now available on Amazon for just $14.95!
To view a PDF sample of this workbook CLICK HERE.
Wisdom From the Torah Book 3:
With Portions From the Prophets and New Testament
Now available on Amazon for just $14.95!
To view a PDF sample of this workbook CLICK HERE.
Wisdom From the Torah Book 4:
With Portions From the Prophets and New Testament
Now available on Amazon for just $14.95!
To view a PDF sample of this workbook CLICK HERE.
Wisdom From the Torah Book 5:
With Portions From the Prophets and New Testament
Now available on Amazon for just $14.95!
To view a PDF sample of this workbook CLICK HERE.
Get all 5 workbooks as a complete set for just $50!
Other products related to Rob Skiba’s studies can be found here: